Dragon's Gate Temple Library

I. I rely on the Buddha of Infinite Life,
I rely on the Buddha whose light is unlimited.

When Dharmakara, the great Bodhisattve
Was studying under Lokesvararaja

II. And having examined the realms of pure mind
And comparing them all to the ego-bound consciousness,
Brought fourth the ultimate thought of compassion
And set out to save the innumerable beings.

III. He carefully chose the most vital of realms,
One whose purification would aid countless beings.
Effects of his efforts flow forth like a light,
Incomparable, boundless and immeasurable.

IV. The brilliance of purity, wisdom and joy,
Unceasing, unhindered, ineffable light!
It outshines both the sun and the moon in it's brilliance
For anywhere consciousness rises it shines.

V. The great light of the Buddha fulfills the conditions
For reaching the level of Non-retrogression
And, after this life, realizing Nirvana
Is due to the Buddha's unbounded compassion.

VI. The reason the Buddha appeared in the world
Was to lead everyone to Nirvana's pure realm.
All the beings who suffer from greed and impermanence,
Hear now the truth of the realm of Amida

VII. When "One Thought of Joy" awakes in your mind,
Though the passions are not tamed, you will reach Nirvana.
When men meet Amida they all become pure
Just as rivers all turn to one taste in the sea.

VIII. As the Light of Amida protectively shines on us
Error, like darkness, retreats from the light
But the clouds of desire, anger, hatred and ignorance
Keep us from seeing it's unsurpassed brilliance.

IX. Our clouds are obscuring the light of His sun
But beyond them is light and there is no more darkness.
The Light of Amida arises within us
Replacing the grasping which leads us to sorrow.

X. Shakyamuni Buddha says all common men,
Whether evil or good, who accept the compassionate
Light of Amida have great understanding
And also He likens them to the white lotus.

XI. The doctrine explaining the Thought of the Buddha
Is based on the knowledge of cause-and-effect
And the great difficulty of self-power practice.
Without these, Nirvana is hard to approach.

XII. Nagarjuna and Vasubandhu and Donran,
Doshaku and Zendo and Genshin and Honen
Have clearly shown us Shakyamuni's discourses
Concerning Amida befit man's capacity.

XIII. Shakyamuni Buddha, when He was preaching
The Lankavatara Sutra had predicted
Nagarjuna's coming, and said he would disprove
The absolute views of both being and non-being.

XIV. He would attain the pure realm of Nirvana
And he would expound the great truth of the doctrine.
The difficult path is like walking on land
But the path of Amida's like sailing on water.

XV. The moment the Mind of Enlightenment reaches us
Final release from this world is assured us.
Relief and thanksgiving become then the basis
For all of our actions, Nagarjuna tells us.

XVI. When Vasubandhu was composing a discourse
He said he relied on the light of the Buddha.
His doctrines are all in accord with the Sutras
And show us the way to escape the world's suffering.

XVII. Out of compassion he showed the results
Of the Mind of Enlightenment rising within us.
Our ignorant efforts can't ease our own minds
But the mind of the Buddha is already pure.

XVIII. When the Light of Amida breaks through from within us
The Buddha's compassion and wisdom are ours.
Thus relieved of our ignorance, we become Buddhas
And aid in His efforts, so said Vasubandhu.

XIX. When Donran was living, the emperor called him
A great Bodhisattva, and when Bodhiruci
Gave Donran a Sutra expounding the Pure Realm
He burned all his books on the Taoist religion.

XX. He commented on Vasubandhu's discourses
And showed that the cause and effects of rebirth
And of all of the aid that we give or receive
In the Pure Realm depends on the Light of Amida.

XXI. The Light of Amida brings with it the knowledge
That this universe and Nirvana are one
So that after we get to the Pure Realm, we still
Can aid others in this world, so Donran explained to us.

XXII. Doshaku said meditation and efforts
Toward goodness are useless because of our ignorance.
Our impure efforts will not create purity,
Therefore rely on the Light of Amida.

XXIII. True Mind is sincere, is serene and is steady
So even though time will efface and destroy
The teachings, the truths taught about are eternal.
The Realm of Amida awaits, so Doshaku said.

XXIV. Zendo alone showed the Buddha's intention.
He knew that our acts, good or evil, are grasping.
Cessation or sorrow can not come from this,
But we all can rely on the Light of Amida.

XXV. The diamond-hard thunderbolt mind, when it rises
Produces supreme concentration and joy
Which leads us to wisdom, compassion, reliance,
And finally the peace of Nirvana, so Zendo said.

XXVI. Genshin had studied and taught Buddha's doctrines,
Distinguished between Recompensed and Transformed lands
And urged us to practice the Thought of the Buddha
For various practices shows lack of confidence.

XXVII. People who have heavy sins should rely
On Amida. I, too, am within His embracement,
Though I cannot see, being blinded by passions,
His mercy still shines on us ceaselessly, Genshin said.

XXVIII. Honen was also well versed in the teachings
And felt great compassion for all, good or evil.
By spreading the teachings throughout all Japan
Dharmakara's good work has been firmly established.

XXIX. Our cravings are constantly pulling us back
To impermanent objects and our preconceptions.
Rely on Amida's compassion and wisdom
Instead of ourselves for Nirvana, so Honen said.

XXX. All of the masters who passed on the teachings
Have combated sorrow by striking at ignorance.
People now living in sorrow and sadness
Take refuge in all of the doctrines they taught.
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
From the time that Amida reached Enlightenment
Till the present time ten kalpas have elapsed.
The light of the Dharma-body, without hindrance
Shines on the darkness and lights up the world.
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Without measure is the light of the Buddha's wisdom.
Of all beings who have finite attributes
None is there who is not blessed by the light
So take refuge in the true illumination.
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Without boundary is the light-wheel of deliverance
Of all beings who are thereby illuminated
Being and non-being will no longer fetter them.
So I take my refuge in the equal Bodhi.
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Without hindrance like space is the cloud of light.
By its nature it is free from all impediments.
None is there who is not blessed by the light
So take refuge in the inconceivable one.
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Without equal is the pure clean light.
When we meet and trust this light
All our bonds of good and evil Karma will be gone.
So take refuge in the ultimate resort.
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
Namo Amida Buddha
With the utmost brightness the Buddha's light shines
So we call Him Buddha of Majestically Flaming Light.
He breaks through the darkness of the three realms
So take refuge in the great Arhat!

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